Several years ago, I made a resolution: I would not buy any more books. That might seem an odd resolution for someone who has been editing books for fifty-five years. Practicality and kindness motivated me as I considered the task of our daughter, who after our deaths, would have to deal with all the possessions […]
On Dream Jobs and the Freelancing Life

“What a dream job you have!” I’ve lost track of all the times I’ve been told that by nonwriting folks who’ve just learned a bit about my life as a freelance writer and editor. And invariably, their response has surprised me, for I generally consider my job to be plain and simple work—a way to […]
How I Survive Being Edited

As a freelance editor, I spend a lot of time changing authors’ texts. That’s my job. It wasn’t until I experienced the editing process firsthand before publishing my book, Business Matters, that I truly realized what other authors may know: It’s hard on the ego to be edited. When I saw the edits, I didn’t […]
What Does an Editor Do?

Writers might not be aware of the possible levels at which editors can work on a manuscript. As you can see from the list below, the levels of edit vary. Be aware that associated costs vary as well. Before you start working with an editor, try to evaluate the level of edit you need or desire. This […]