If you want readers to find and buy your book, you have to do some marketing—perhaps a lot of marketing—especially via online media. To grab reader attention, you’ll need eye-catching graphics. Sure, professional graphic designers can create amazing book graphics, but so can you. This blog will get you started.
Writing a Book? Identify Your Reader Right Away
The idea of a client avatar doesn’t just apply to big business. If you want to be a successful author, you need to know who you’re writing for; you need to understand your ideal reader. This is especially important for the kind of nonfiction book that helps a reader solve a problem or reach a goal. How can you help if you don’t know who you’re helping? You need an ideal reader profile.
Insider Tips for Getting Your Self-Published Book into Brick-and-Mortar Stores
Although more than half of all book sales (regardless of format) take place online, most authors wish to see their books in bookstores and libraries. My self-publishing clients often ask whether it’s possible for that dream to become reality. It is—if you know how and are willing to contact booksellers yourself. Compared to traditionally published […]
Your Book is Being Published–Yay! What to Do Now: Part 6

Part 6: So, How Do Authors Actually Make Money? And, Is That What Matters? According to The Economist, “The open secret of publishing is that very few authors can live by books alone. Even some of the most successful ones make most of their money from public speaking, consulting, or teaching, and use the publicity […]
Your Book is Being Published–Yay! What to Do Now: Part 5

Selling on Amazon and Giving Your Book Away All authors clamor to receive the potential blessings of Amazon. But the ways of Amazon are mysterious and known to few (they even puzzle most publishers). Still, one widely spread belief is that you get more leverage and publicity via Amazon if you acquire a sufficient number […]
Your Book Is Being Published—Yay! What to Do Now: Part 4b

What My Publisher and Publicist Did, What I Did, and What We Did Together One of my pre-pub fantasies was seeing my book displayed at airports and watching rushed travelers grab a copy for the plane. Read on…. Airports My publisher’s distributor tried to get us airport bookstore placement to no avail. (You or your […]
Your Book Is Being Published—Yay! What to Do Now: Part 4a

What My Publisher and Publicist Did, What I Did, and What We Did Together The two most meaningful things my publisher gave me were their faith in my book and a beautiful, inviting cover. (Your title and cover are your two best tickets to success.) They also gave me a small advance, a small PR […]
Your Book Is Being Published—Yay! What to Do Now: Part 3

And Then You Do This . . . . Yes, it’s a full-time job—or more. Here are some things I did as soon as I could: Have cards made: This meant finding a good but affordable designer and printer and then doing the writing and proposing the design plan myself. Later, I had oversized postcards […]
Your Book Is Being Published—Yay! What to Do Now: Part 2

What to Do from Day One or, Better Yet, Before Day One One big mistake (but then I couldn’t have done it differently) was what should have been done a year or two before I signed with a publisher: Create a platform. It’s possible that this is the most important thing you can do to […]
Your Book Is Being Published—Yay! What to Do Now: Part 1

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times I still remember the sheer joy I felt when my agent found a publisher for my book, Recipes for a Sacred Life: True Stories and a Few Miracles. The time that followed that milestone was, um, more emotionally mixed. Looking back over the […]